Friday, January 5, 2007


Part of the reason I do all this writing is because I do truly want to be a successful novelist. I have already finished one novel and had a "supposed" agent for the last year. They did absolutely nothing for me the entire time except to have me spend money for a professional edit and a professional critique. Both of these things said that my book had a place in the commercial world, but due to my agents lack of work to find a publisher, nothing happened.

We parted ways last week and I have queried a few agents since then with little success and I am now thinking of going the self publishing route through after tax returns are done for the year and I see how we make out with that

1 comment:

Jen said...

Hey sis,

DO NOT GIVE UP! Sometimes if we want things done it is best to do it ourselves. I wish you all the best of luck!

