Sunday, March 25, 2007

Publish America

Days ago I wrote that my manuscript has been accepted by Publish America and that I was beyond excited that I was FINALLY going to see my work in print for the general public. I thought of going other routes, was one them, as was my search for an agent to represent my work.

I did find an agent at one point, but they did nothing but cost me money and depress me. I have learned that acquiring an agent is not something that is easy - agents are subjective about what work they choose to represent. Most of it by their own opinions and not all agents like all work.

I have read, and appreciate the comments left to me by many about Publish America - but I have found positive about them as well. I am happy with my decision. Even if they are a so-called "vanity publisher" then they are working towards increasing my own vanity and my friends and family will be able to buy and enjoy my first novel in print.

Will this take me on to becoming a "mainstream" author? Only God know that for sure, but I know that it is a first step and one that I am committed to - just aws I am committed to my free lance work on Helium and Suite101.

I will be an author - in the mainstream. It is what I am destined for and no amount of negativity will ever stop me from reaching this goal.


Anonymous said...

It's unfortunate that people left some negative comments in your own personal space--there's really no excuse for that. Just understand that many are committed to protecting aspiring authors from getting scammed, and they're trying to be helpful. It's not a case of jealousy or wishing ill upon the competition--on the contrary, writers WANT to see one another succeed. They mean well, but that doesn't change the fact that it's an inappropriate thing to do.

But if you've done research among Writer Beware groups and Preditors & Editors and the like, and you're still happy with what you've settled on, than I'm sure no one wishes you anything but the best. :-) Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Well, you've made your decision and I hope it works out for you, even if the odds of doing so are very, very slim, I do.

Why don't you join us on AbsoluteWrite? The section about PA is a small subsection of what can be found there, such as writing tips, places to ask agents/editors and specific forums for various genre.

I personally think the "Learn writing with Uncle Jim" is the best writing advice anywhere and i wouldn't have been published without it.

Matt said...

Good luck with your book. After you finish your next one, I would suggest trying the agent route again, but really do some research. Real agents don't charge money.

But whatever you do, it's your decision. Don't let internet morons bring you down. Have fun with it.