Saturday, January 6, 2007

My Little Drama QUeen

I wrote an article awhile ago about my 5-1/2 year old daughter and what a drama queen she has become, but it truly bears repeating. Riana can cry at the drop of a feather - and with all the emotion of someone who has just lost their best friend. Just this morning she was sent info fits of near hysteria because I asked her to clean her room, not immaculate mind you, but just to put things where they belong. She has a book case, drawers and a rack that fit all of her toys and them some. Inevitably though something is out of place and I have to ask her to clean up. This leads to crying which typically leads to my yelling and getting stresses out. This morning I chose a different tac. I just told her to clean it - I always give her a set amount of time and then I go and clean it myself. That of course leads to more hysteria. Oh, well. I am giving her extra time today and just letting her get it done. It's Saturday and I don't feel like having to yell today.

In the mean time, my three year old, Patrick is upstairs in his room playing. By playing I mean her is dumping everything he owns onto the floor to make his room look like some sort of a minefield that you wouldn't want to walk into if it was dark. He has some toys that are small enough to cause tripping and pain that will continue for some time.

I think I have come to the conclusion that I was try to keep the rest of the house clean and just let them keep their rooms however they want. This is a good idea, but the idea of me cleaning the rest of the house gives me hives!! I hate housework and I wish there were little elves or something that could come in and get it done when I was sleeping.

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