Friday, March 23, 2007

Out of my hands

Publish America sent me my new author questionaire on Monday and I spent most of the week filling it out - they needed simple stuff, my name, the name I want on the book, dedication, scknowledgements, a list of names/addresses to send flyers too when publication is imminent - I asked more people than I got responses from - but, I will resend an email to EVERYONE I know when the book can be purchased and where it can be purchased. maybe this is the beginning of something wonderful

I am starting to get a good feeling about the whole thing, but I am still not convinced that is is real......


Unknown said...

I hate saying this to newbie writers, but you really need to read the information on Publish American on Absolute Write. The forum is run by industry pros.

Publish America is beyond a scammy publisher and into "criminal" IMHO. Hate to tell you this but you need to know.

Kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

why did all those comments get removed but one left for a message board? the other links were more usable than a message board

Anonymous said...

Look, you've gone this far, and that's okay. Many, many people write manuscripts only to have them sit in a drawer, gathering dust. You at least are trying.

See where you are in the publishing world next year at this time. Look into other options for your next manuscript if you're not satisfied.

Just remember one thing: You shouldn't have to buy your books to sell. Money flows toward the writer, not away.