Sunday, February 11, 2007


I have found a site where "free-lance" writers like myself can publish work, and have it rated by their peers, as well as make a small stipend for their troubles. It is, and I just joined towards the end of last week but I have found it loads better than my original free lance site

There is a community message board area where there is a broad array of topics to post to, and you also have the ability to rate articles against each other. You also have the ability to "leap-frog" or re-post an article that you have already written and may not be doing well in the standings as you would like.

Personally I just rewrote one that was 19th of 44 - which is not acceptable to me. I went back and tried to make the article more organized and enjoyable to anyone who was reading/rating it. I sure hope it does better, because I would like to at least be in the top 10. Okay, I would like to be number 1 for all of my articles, but I know that I am not the worlds best writer, and the rating as subjective, so I could be happy with the top 10........

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